Lady Justice Awakens Slowly after Seven Year Coma; Rule of Law Needs Major Overhaul

While we typically think of the rule of law as being designed to protect the weak against the strong, and ordinary citizens against the privileged, those with wealth will use their political power to shape the rule of law to provide a framework within which they can exploit others.They will use their political power, too, […]

Freddie and Fannie Sell Your Home Loans to Vultures for Pennies on Dollar: Vultures Pick the Bones of Distressed American Homeowners

Freddie Mac Kicks Off 2016 with Largest Ever Delinquent Loan Auction article here: The transaction announced on Friday is Freddie Mac’s third bulk NPL sale worth more than $1 billion. The previous two were worth $1.1 billion each. Overall, it will be Freddie Mac’s ninth bulk Standard Pool Offering (SPO) auction since the first sale […]

SIGTARP Reports Servicers Wrongfully Terminating Homeowners from HAMP Modifications

In the newest SIGTARP Report dated January 27, 2016, reviewing the use of bailout TARP money and the shenanigans of your favorite large financial institutions to abuse and damage the people they received money to help, get your smelling salts and vapors because the findings are, wait for it, yes, loan servicers are still abusing homeowners and […]